Kyle Finlinson

Very Good Ventures - Senior engineer

Talk Title

Implications of Flutter Wasm


Empire Room




17:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

Most Dart Wasm talks I've heard are (great!) technical updates about building a compiler, etc.

This talk will focus on:

- What is WebAssembly (Wasm) and why is it exciting?
- User and developer benefits of using Wasm
- Use cases for which Wasm is especially well suited (or not)
- Why Flutter+Dart (and Kotlin) are well positioned to lead the WasmGC frontier

- Implementation considerations such as:
- How many users are likely to have a browser that supports Wasm? (Now and in the next ~year)
- Gotchas when you know some users will fall back to JS
- Embedding Flutter Wasm components in another web page

Speaker Bio

Kyle is a senior engineer at VGV and ex-Googler (Gmail and Google Voice). He loves simple, elegant software that makes life better for humans.
