Jorge Coca

Head of Engineering @ Very Good Ventures

Talk Title

Demystifying performance tune up in Flutter and Dart


Regency Room




15:30 > 40 min


on Twitter

The DevTools can be intimidating and scary. After all, they might be tools we don't have to use often, and when we do, it is because something might be wrong. High memory consumption? Battery drain? Bundle size? Jank?

Understanding, analyzing, and debugging these issues has been a task traditionally reserved only for the brave, but not anymore!

In this talk, we will make performance improvements a topic no one should fear by turning a poor-performing app into a delightful experience!

Speaker Bio

Jorge is a Spanish engineer lost in Chicago! His passion is to help teams of all sizes to be successful in their Flutter adventures. He is the Head of Engineering at Very Good Ventures. He previously worked at BMW, leading the Android and Flutter practices. Jorge is also a Google Developer Expert in Flutter.
